vrijdag 21 mei 2010


So, my plans have changed. I have decided that I will not release my album untill September. It doesn't sound good yet and I sound not good yet. I want it to be better. . But I am happy that I made this decision and I'm so happy that Jeremy and Angelo agreed with me. Since I study at the Hermand Brood (Music) Academy I have deadlines and everything. So yeah...after this summer my dutch album will be released and I am very excited. :D And you know what....it's OK to change plans. I am not afraid of it. Not everything in life goes according to plan. I am not discouraged , I believe in my music and I know that If I put hard work, love and passion in it....everything will work out right.

Shaiky, Joep and Vitamin E

Today I woke up early. I took a shower, had breakfast and cleaned up my apartment. (well, it's not MY apartment actually)...I'ts Karolina's apartment who is a friend of my sister and she said it was OK for me to live in with her untill I have some place for my own. Anyway...I cleaned it and it felt good. After cleaning I got ready for my meeting with my lawyer. Yes, MY lawyer! I never thought I would have to deal with lawyers and specially not when I'm only 22 years old. Anyway...the meeting went very well..she understood my problem and she is going to help me. Yay!! After that I had a call from Shaiky, a friend of mine. He and Joep wanted to go hang around in the city so we did that. I had so much fun with those guys. We went to the MacDonald and ate our burgers in the sun! A few hours later of having fun and enjoying the sun Shaiky needed to go to work. After that Joep and I went to the body shop in Eindhoven together. Joep is a male model and him and me needed to have some beauty products. While Joep was testing a couple of products for his face I already knew I wanted to have the Vitamine E Illuminating Moisture Cream. This product is so great! Its gives your skin a luminous, healthy glow and it contains light-diffusing particles to help minimize the appearance of fine lines. I am so happy with it and I'm so ready for the summer!!

maandag 3 mei 2010

29 Mei EP RELEASE!!!

Ja dames en heren, 29 mei ga ik mijn Nederlandstalige EP releasen. Ik heb er veel zin in! Ik zou hem eigenlijk na de zomervakantie releasen maar heb besloten om hier toch niet mee te wachten. Ik heb nu mei vakantie en deze week gaan Funktional J en ik onze demo's nog voor het echt opnemen. Het Artwork wordt verzorgd door niemand minder dan AstroPoser en ik ga het gewoon releasen via mijn site. Dit keer laat ik niets drukken en er is een probleem: Mijn release party! Ik heb geen zalen benaderd en eerijk gezegd wil ik helemaal geen release party houden. Misschien is het handig als ik een voorprogramma van iemand kan doen en dan gelijk mijn EP release-party houd? Ja toch, dat lijkt me het allerbeste. Eens even kijken wat ik kan regelen. Vanaf 29 mei kunnen jullie mijn Nederlandstalige EP dus downloaden. yay!

hierboven een flyer van mijn vorige release; mijn album Reflection.


1.Beats by Dre
2.JVC Picsio Purple
3.Chanel Les Pop de Chanel Vernis


Yeah! I'm a new girl on the Blog! Let me tell you guys a little something about me. I am a Female MC with Passion and I am also Love, Enthusiasm, Fun,Kind,Happy,Creative,Ambitious,Motivated,Decisive (well..most of the time), Supportive, Loyal,Responsible, caring, Dependable & Sexy!! Oh and I am a 22 year old Turkish girl living in the Netherlands.  & I loveee Music/books/Fashion/poetry/Food/love/my AppleMacbook/ Traveling, WILD PARTIES, being in LOVE, Having FUN, Choclate cookies, Dancing, Cooking, Writing lyrics, Recording sessions, Flirting, kissing , going out, stayin Home & I love my friends + fam. =) yes.